Overheard a conversation on the bus. Two guys sitting behind me were animatedly discussing their last evening. They were friends who worked in different organisations and were going to work at the same time. So this is how it went - I only became aware of the conversation midway, and that is what I report below:
Guy 1: ... and X kept calling and calling! First on my regular number, then on my second number. I was in a client call and couldn't get out! Guy 2: I know! Same here! X kept calling me too and I was stuck in work, couldn't even pick up the call. I was just sitting there, sweating! Guy 1: I had to finally aexcuse myself and got out of the meeting room to answer him. I thought it was an emergency, and it was! Guy 2: I think that's the time we connected, right? (I am immensely invested at this point, visualizing some sort of calamity happening in Person X's life, who desperately needs these two to pitch in. Now wait.) Guy 1: That's right! And it was a bad, bad situation! (Guy 2 makes agreeing noises.)They had almoooost taken over everything, and X just wouldn't have been able to hold them off. Even with the three of us... (pregnant pause where they relive the trauma and the close shave) Guy 1: ...even with the three of us, it was hard. We finally had to get the dragons in! That was how we saved the day. (second pregnant pause where they relive the close shave and the success) I tried to turn my head and eyeball the two dingdongs, but they were exactly behind me, so it would have been rather rude.